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Special Resolution 2022

Special Resolution Vote

One of the most important privileges of Membership is the casting of your vote.

North Peace Savings and Credit Union and the Board of Directors must act in accordance with the Credit Union’s Rules. The Rules are regularly reviewed by the Board of Directors and any resulting changes must be approved by the membership by way of a Special Resolution vote.

The Board of Directors are recommending changes to the North Peace Savings and Credit Union Rules for members to vote online in February.  Please review the links below to learn more about the proposed rule changes, rationale for the significant changes, and to familiarize yourself with the Special Resolution you will vote on the week of February 21-25, 2022.


Online voting will take place starting at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, February 21, 2022, and end at 11:59 p.m., Friday, February 25, 2022. 

Here’s how to cast your vote:

  • Review your January 2022 paper or digital member statement to obtain your unique username and password.
  • Between Feb 21-25, navigate to the website and click the Special Resolution banner to find the “Vote Now” button.
  • Click on the “Vote Now” button.
  • Enter your username and password.  You may only use this username and password once in this process.
  • Follow the instructions and cast your vote.

If you do not receive a paper or digital statement and/or have not obtained your unique username and password in advance of voting, call Patti Ternier-Smith @ 250.794.3762 to obtain your voting credentials.


All Members in good standing, are eligible to vote in the proposed Special Resolution.

For the purpose of this vote, the membership list was closed as of January 17, 2022. Any person/s becoming a member of the Credit Union after that date is not eligible to vote.

Members can only vote once in the Special Resolution Vote.

Members in good standing who were members of the Credit Union as of January 17, 2022 are entitled to vote with the following exceptions:

  • Junior members (person under 19 years of age) are not entitled to vote.
  • Unincorporated organizations, associations or societies are not entitled to vote.
  • In a joint membership: both the Primary Member & Secondary Member/s may vote providing there is sufficient Membership Equity Shares to cover all individuals on the account and providing they are a member in good standing.

 A corporate member may authorize a person who is not a member of the Credit Union to vote on their behalf.

  • A corporate member is one which has been incorporated or registered under the Company, Cooperative Association, Society, Business Corporations Acts or other statue creating the Company as a legal entity.
  • At least one signing authority on the account must sign the form. *Designation of Representative letter” by contacting Patti Ternier-Smith: or calling 250.794.3762
  • The company’s delegate will be provided voting credentials upon completion of Designation of Representative letter.

A member in good standing is someone who:

  1. has purchased, fully paid for and holds a condition of membership – five (5) Membership Equity Shares for personal membership or
  2. has purchased, fully paid and holds a condition of membership – five (5) Membership Equity Shares for Corporate memberships
  3. is not more than ninety (90) days delinquent in any obligation to the Credit Union

All members in good standing are automatically registered to vote in the election.